“When I was young, my grandparents kept a beautiful stained glass kaleidoscope in their family room. My cousins and I would take turns looking through this kaleidoscope to behold its dynamic displays of color and light. The light shining through these stained glass discs reminded me of Jesus’ heart for His family: a community of people who are illuminated with God’s light and, through their colors coming together, reflect God’s glorious light to the world.
At Kaleidoscope, these are the types of communities we long to see rising up in local neighborhoods across cultures and nations. From a multiethnic foundation, we seek to cultivate communities specifically where LGBTQ+ family members, friends, and neighbors are honored, dignified, and championed – not only in how they behold Jesus’ light, but also how they reflect it uniquely to those around them.”
– Meg Baatz, Co-Founder of Kaleidoscope

Providing LGBTQ+ people opportunities to engage with tangible expressions of Christ.
We long to see every LGBTQ+ person empowered to encounter Jesus and mature within supportive Christian communities authentically.
Honor: Since our Creator, neighbors, selves, and environment are worthy of honor, we conduct our relationships with integrity and our work with excellence.
Diversity: Knowing God’s creative glory shines through our ethnicity, culture, faith expression, age, ability, gender identity, and sexuality, we commit to upholding diversity.
Prayer: Because prayer was Jesus’ foundation, we also make it ours. We recognize prayer as God’s relational pathway to bring goodness into the world.
Imagination: As we participate in Jesus’ unfolding story of creation, we uncover present realities with compassionate honesty – and future possibilities with courageous creativity.
Executive & Directorial Team
Elizabeth Delgado Black (she/her)
Co-Founder & President
Elizabeth Black has served as an evangelist and minister in New York City for almost 10 years. Originally from Baltimore, MD, she attended Washington Bible College for undergraduate studies. Elizabeth has a heart for New York City, and she loves sharing Jesus with those in the LGBTQ, Jewish, and African-American populations – and beyond. She is currently working on her Master of Theology in contextual theology at All Nations, a missions college in the UK. Elizabeth loves to cook, entertain, watch documentaries, and read about culture. Last but not least, she is a proud wife and the mother of two young boys.
Meg Baatz (she/her)
Co-Founder & CEO
Meg is a bridge-builder and ministry educator whose desire is to see people grow personally and engage locally in diverse communities – particularly at the intersection of sexuality, gender, and spiritual life with Jesus. Prior to co-founding Kaleidoscope, Meg served as a Director at Posture Shift. She has been featured in Christianity Today, and on podcasts like Venture 12 and Life On Side B. Meg has a Social Work degree from Colorado State University.
Ray Low (he/him)
Pastor & Director of Community Engagement
Ray graduated from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity. He is passionate about seeing justice and reconciliation in the areas of race and sexuality. In the past Ray has served with a number of LGBTQ+ ministries including Posture Shift, Q Christian Fellowship, and Revoice. His favorite color is orange, which has been described by his friends as both "easy to shop for" and "hard to shop for."